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篇名 應用EnergyPlus模擬分析最佳冰水主機組合之開機策略
卷期 223
並列篇名 Optimization Chiller Group Operation by Simulating and Analyzing with EnergyPlus
作者 翁大峻李政霖柯潔霖李文興
頁次 014-029
出刊日期 202006




The study targets finding out the most energy-efficient combination between all different types and capacities of chiller groups through the outcome of analysis which based on the EnergyPlus simulations, also to set up the operating schedule and group sequence of chillers to produce the energy optimization outcome. Both grouping chillers under different capacities combination and setting operation schedule to chillers combination is the key to energy-saving. Comparing different types of chiller combinations with in the same total RT condition, the consumption results presenting a difference between each group. Our study result presents possibilities to decrease up to 3.7% annual energy cost comparing the best and the worst performance group by choosing the right combination of chillers. In addition, an extra 1.1% energy was saved by applying an operational schedule for chillers in the annual total electricity consumption.

