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篇名 影響諮商服務的成效因素探討——大學生與研究生之當事觀點
卷期 42:1
並列篇名 Counseling Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness — College and Graduate Student Clients’ Perspectives on Counseling Effectiveness
作者 邱珍琬
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 成效諮商counselingeffectivenessTSCI
出刊日期 202005


從當事人角度瞭解諮商之有效無效,對於臨床助人專業是相當重要的,據此可更清楚當事人之需求、專業效能發揮的情況與需改善之處。本研究針對南部某公立大學大學部(48位)與研究所(5位)學生為對象,以半結構訪談及書面撰寫為蒐集資料方法進行調查,目的是了解這些曾求助於諮商的參與者對於諮商有效無效因素之歸因、求助主題以及繼續求助之原因。資料分析過程乃先將書面資料重要字句標記、做分類並統計,訪談資料則是將逐字稿印出、做歸納整理。研究結果發現,研究參與者絕大部分是自行主動去求助,求助主題為:人際、自我整理、生涯與壓力等。對於有效諮商因素,依照學者Lambert(1996, 2004)等人的分類,可分為諮商師的支持(如同理當事人處境及情緒、了解並深入事情脈絡、著重在當事人的需要、配合當事人步調)、學習(如引領當事人思考、協助當事人從不同角度看事情、協助當事人作自我整理、自我了解與改變、自省與頓悟)與行動(如有能力去面對及解決所關切的議題),而當事人感受到的支持與陪伴(如覺得被支持與賦能、當事人有傾訴對象、覺得被尊重與接納、被瞭解之後的壓力釋放),以及學習(如接受事情之如其所是)。參與者認為諮商對其無效的原因,在諮商師的部分有:諮商師的焦慮(如急於協助或太快切入、諮商師的自我揭露與太早露出自己的底牌)、諮商師的偏好(如只對某些議題感興趣、態度上有極大差異)、諮商師的功力不足(如錯誤解讀或無法深入探究問題),以及諮商師的準備不足(如無結構性或無結束的準備)。諮商無效的部分,當事人認為自己也有責任,像是當事人信任度不足(如不敢說出實情、不了解諮商師所提的處理方式)、當事人的期待與無明確目標,以及時間上不允許。


To understand whether counseling is effective or ineffective from clients’ perspectives is crucial for helping profession. Therefore, by doing so, counselors can get a clearer picture of clients’ needs, how effective the helping process is, and further improvement. This study recruited 48 college students and five graduate students at a public university in southern Taiwan who sought counseling services in the hope of investigating their perspectives on the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of counseling, help-seeking purposes, and the reasons behind for further service-seeking. The data is collected from written material and semi-interview respectively. Based on the findings, most of the participants are self-referred, and their seeking for help is due mainly to making a breakthrough in interpersonal relations, self-understanding, career advice, and stress-related issues. The contributing factors in effective counseling mostly depend on the part that counselors play—the empathy and understanding of the clients’ emotions and situations, the proper guidance based on their needs, such as redirecting them to look at things from different angles or helping them further understand themselves and thus making a change via self-reflection and insight-getting, as well as developing the capability of facing and dealing with the concerned issues deemed to be challenging via feeling supported and empowered. Being a decent listener is vital to a counselor, which helps the clients to feel respected and further accepted, also feel relieved after being understood and then accept things as they are. By contrast, the following factors in the ineffective counseling might deter the counselors from comprehending the whole picture of the issues and thus the goal of effective counseling could not be attained: not telling the truth, expecting too much, and not having a goal in mind to reach on the clients’ part, which might also time unavailability, and not understanding the counselors’ proposals to cope with the problem. On the other hand, The factors in the failure of effective counseling lie much in being too anxious and rushed to get the problem addressed, only showing interest in certain topics, misinterpreting clients’ intentions or thoughts, being unable to get deeper into the issues concerned, unstructured or unready for closure, immature self-disclosure.
