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篇名 馬尼拉閩南語文獻《西班牙—華語辭典》與西班牙傳教士高母羡
卷期 38:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Manila-Minnan Manuscript Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum and the Writings of Spanish Missionary Juan Cobo
作者 劉莉美
頁次 215-236
關鍵字 高母羡《西班牙—華語辭典》早期閩南語文獻翻譯史中西文化交流史Juan CoboDictionario Hispanico Sinicumearliest Minnan dictionaryhistory of translationhistory of cultural exchange between China and the WestMEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 202006


西班牙傳教士首以中國文字著書介紹西方科學、完成中國翻譯史上第一部譯為西方文字的漢文古籍,並先行研究中國音韻學、完成閩南語、西班牙語與中文三語辭典等成就。如此豐碩功績著實給後世累積了一批珍貴史料,在中西接觸與交流對探究中國語言史研究上有極大貢獻。西班牙道明會收藏於馬尼拉聖多瑪斯大學檔案館的《西班牙—華語辭典》(Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum)抄本,此手稿內文含西班牙文、漢字及閩南語羅馬拼音等超過兩萬條詞彙,為研究十六、十七世紀菲律賓華人文化、中西交流與閩南語史重要參考史料。由於抄本編者與年代不明,探究其編纂年代有助了解其語彙史料的歷史定位,故本文將整理西班牙歷史文獻的相關紀錄,及現有學者的研究論述,進一步分析辭典可能編者及年代。此外,於探究《西班牙—華語辭典》過程中,發現辭典中文詞彙來源與西班牙漢學家高母羡(Juan Cobo, 1546-1592)三本著作有關聯性。故本文首先透過辭典抄本例證,說明與這位十六世紀末道明會教士著作相輝映的關係,推論辭典詞彙年代可上溯至早期天主教於菲律賓傳教時期。再者,藉由辭典引用早期宗教專有名詞譯文的取捨,探究天主教道明會十六、十七世紀語言傳教策略,並歸結《西班牙—華語辭典》為該會從菲律賓進入中國的轉型文獻。


The Spanish-Chinese encounter in the Philippines contributed especially to the history of Chinese linguistics. Spanish missionaries embarked on several historical efforts that included the translation of Western sciences into Chinese, therein completing the first translation of ancient Chinese books into European languages, studying Chinese phonology, and compiling a Minnan dialect- Spanish-Chinese dictionary and grammar book, among many other achievements. The Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum, kept in the Archives of the University of Santo Tomás in Manila, contains more than 20,000 entries, and in light of this, is an important historical reference material when studying the exchanges between China and the West as well as the history of the Minnan dialect in the Philippines of the 16th and 17th centuries. The text, however, does not provide information about authorship or date of compilation. The author hopes to study the Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum with respect to the possible date of compilation and the question of authorship, and through some examples from the dictionary, attempts to illustrate the relationship between the collection and the writings of Spanish missionary Juan Cobo(1547-1592). Consequently, the lexicon of the dictionary can be traced back to the early Catholic period in the Philippines. This study also examines the opinions on how the translation of early religious proper nouns are used within the dictionary. In this way, it explores the missionary language strategies of the Catholic Dominicans during the 16th and 17th centuries and finally considers the Spanish-Chinese dictionary as a transformational piece of literature introduced from the Philippines into China.
