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篇名 青少年每日靜態行為的時間分布、測量與類型:範域文獻回顧
卷期 39:5
並列篇名 Prevalence, measures, and types of daily sedentary behavior among adolescents: a scoping review
作者 陳上迪陳俐蓉王宗進古博文
頁次 478-492
關鍵字 久坐螢幕行為加速規每日時間prolonged sittingscreen-based behavioraccelerometersdaily timeScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 202010
DOI 10.6288/TJPH.202010_39(5).109080


本研究旨在以範域文獻回顧探討國際間青少年每日靜態時間的分布、測量方法,以及分析常見的青少年靜態行為類型。本研究以Bauman等人(2008)研究靜態行為盛行率搜尋檢索方式與搜尋後結果,並延續其檢索策略搜尋PubMed與華藝線上圖書館在2012-2020年期間的期刊論文,篩選納入43篇。研究發現如下:(一)青少年每日客觀測量靜態時間平均為8.83小時/日(中位數為9.05 小時/日),不同研究間的異質性高;(二)靜態行為測量包含自陳式問卷測量及客觀儀器測量,二者各有其優缺點並具功能互補性;(三)青少年靜態行為類型相當多元,可歸納出兩種類型:螢幕使用(包含:看電視/影片、使用電腦/瀏覽網頁、打電動/遊戲、使用手機/傳訊息/聊天)與非螢幕使用(包含:完成學校課業、從事休閒、騎乘交通工具、閱讀)。尤其是看電視/影片、使用電腦/上網、玩電動/遊戲等螢幕式靜態行為,以及完成學校課業等非螢幕式行為等,不僅是最常被納入問卷測量題項中,也是花費靜態時間最高的幾種行為。本研究發現可供未來政府及學術機構研發適合測量台灣青少年靜態行為的工具以及進行青少年族群靜態行為調查、監測與分析之參考。建議未來針對青少年靜態行為的研究應採用具人口代表性的大型樣本,採取多次測量的前瞻性世代研究設計,並兼採自陳式問卷及客觀儀器測量,以進一步了解青少年靜態時間與其各種健康狀態的關係。


This scoping review (a) explored the prevalence of sedentary time among adolescents worldwide, (b) discussed issues of assessment regarding sedentary time, and (c) analyzed different modes of adolescent sedentary behavior. We used the search strategies and results of Bauman et al. (2018), who reviewed the prevalence of sedentary time. We extended their results and searched two databases (PubMed and Airiti Library) to identify published studies. Forty-three studies were eligible for the scoping review and were analyzed. The average of sedentary time using objective measures was 8.83 h/day per adolescent (median: 9.05 h/day). High interstudy heterogeneity was observed. The studies assessed sedentary time by using objective and subjective measures, which had advantages and disadvantages and were sometimes complementary to each other. Furthermore, adolescents engaged in diverse types of sedentary behavior. In general, two types of sedentary behavior were observed: screen-based behavior (i.e., watching TV/videos, using the computer/ surfing websites, playing video games, and using cell phones/sending text messages/chatting) and nonscreen-based behavior (i.e., doing homework, engaging in recreational activities, traveling, and reading). Among them, the screen-based behaviors of watching TV/videos, using the computer/ surfing websites, and playing video games and the nonscreen-based behavior of doing homework were the most common sedentary behaviors for adolescents. Our findings provide evidence for developing an indigenizing scale for future researchers to investigate, monitor, and analyze the prevalence of sedentary time among adolescents. To elucidate the associations between adolescent sedentary behavior and various health outcomes, future large-scale prospective studies are warranted that include multiple waves of representative samples and employ a combination of objective and subjective measures of sedentary behavior.
