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篇名 從歐洲共同語言能力參考架構CEFR探索英語教育新趨勢
卷期 319
並列篇名 Exploring English Education Development from Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
作者 胡纖
頁次 101-118
關鍵字 行動陳述指標行動導向教學英語為外語英語為國際通用語歐洲共同語言分級能力參考架構action-oriented instructioncan do descriptorsEFLELFCEF
出刊日期 202011
DOI 10.3966/168063602020110319007


隨著地球村時代的來臨與十二年國教之新課綱實施,許多英語教師對素養導向課程的概念與實踐方法產生許多疑慮,甚至擔心如何適應這一波教育改革潮流。因此,本文欲藉由描述英語為外語教育(English as a Foreign Language, EFL)典範之時代背景與概念到英語為國際通用語教育(English as a Lingua Franca, ELF)之概念轉換為開始,進而分析已實施多年之歐洲共同語言分級能力參考架構(Common European Framework ofReference for Languages, CEFR)興起的原因與許多第二語言教育創新概念在歐洲以外地區擴散之潮流,以提供當地英語教育在學習、教學與評量上更多不同之觀點與做法,希望有助於發展符應新課綱之英語課程與減少現場教師困境,協助2030雙語國家之目標達成。地球村時代,國際溝通與交流帶來多重語言能力的需求,歐洲議會促成了CEFR的誕生,致力於落實以學習者中心的自主學習管理理念,提供清晰具體的分級能力行動陳述指標作為新語言教學與評量參考架構,對第二語言教育發展產生巨大影響。儘管仍存在許多質疑與挑戰,CEFR能夠突破傳統,透過貼近真實生活語言的分級指標陳述,讓過去認為是潛在能力的表現行為一一浮現出來,讓使用者/學習者以積極正面的態度進行學習策略之調整與改進。除此之外,CEFR從縝密的計畫至多國資源的合作實施與實證研究結果等可看出,CEFR對全世界英語或其他第二語言教育之影響力無可避免,其相關經驗與成果更值得作為我們在制定新第二語言教育政策時的重要參考,以利邁向2030雙語國家的目標。


Due to the arrival of globalization era and the implementation of 12-year general curriculum guidelines, many English teachers are confused about the concepts brought by literacy-based education and trying to find approaches to adapt to the educational reforms. To provide different perspectives and methods for English learning, teaching and assessment for the new age, the study starts by stating the slow paradigm shift of English education from English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) revolution. This global trend of learning English as a tool to communicate with speakers of other languages, not just English native-speakers, urged the European council to announce the revolutionary CEFR to promote their citizens’ plurilingual proficiency. The impact of CEFR does not just spread over European states but also other areas around the world where efficient bilingual or plurilingual programs are needed to promote individuals’ and states’ capital and competitiveness. The breakthrough concepts claimed by CEFR for second/third language education reform transform traditional English curriculum toward an action-oriented and learner-agent perspectives in which the goal of the language education is to facilitate user/learner to be autonomous and self-monitoring in the overall proficiency framework. The overall proficiency framework contains reference levels that are clearly clarified by leveled ‘can do’ descriptors for teachers and learners to access with real-life language use, learning directions, strategies, and confidence. With four decades of planning, researches, implementation and evaluation, these successful experiences of CEFR can definitely provide our country with a constructive framework when our national language policy is gearing toward the establishment of a bilingual nation in 2030.
