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篇名 基督宗教靈性關懷在台灣醫院的歷史沿革
卷期 2020
並列篇名 A History of Christian Spiritual Care in Hospitals of Taiwan
作者 黃麗慧
頁次 125-162
關鍵字 靈性關懷院牧軍牧安寧照護Spiritual CareChaplainMilitary ChaplainHospice Care
出刊日期 202012


撰寫本題的目的是要了解台灣基督宗教靈性關懷事工在醫院發展的軌跡,藉著蒐集歷史文獻與訪問相關人士的方式,從三個不同進路探索其發展的脈絡:(一)由國家建立在國防部軍醫局管理下的國軍醫院,(二)以基督信仰為核心所創立之基督宗教教會醫院,及(三)其他提供安寧緩和臨終照護的一般公私立的醫院。研究發現軍系路線乃因蔣夫人宋美齡個人信仰與使命的推動,由周聯華牧師負責監督與訓練傳道人,進入軍醫院從事靈性關懷。目的是以耶穌的愛來照顧孤單無依的軍人病友,同時也將耶穌救贖的福音介紹給他們。至於教會醫院的路線,無論基督教或天主教的醫院,都來自西方醫療宣教團隊的貢獻。醫療宣教團隊主張醫身體也醫靈魂,醫院也是教會,靈性關懷的價值與醫療並存。醫療精神沿用至今,院牧人員的編制仍然是教會醫院必要的人事組織。第三個進路來自近代全球安寧緩和療護運動的興起,主張以全人的照護holistic care,緩解臨終病人整體的痛total pain,靈性關懷成了安寧病房服務團隊中不可或缺的一個專業。由於台灣醫療政策支持世界的安寧醫療主張,靈性關懷人員因此有機會進入非教會醫院的安寧病房服務,幫助病人善終,也帶給家人平安。期待藉此歷史的回顧,了解過去靈性關懷在醫院發展的脈絡、檢視現在基督宗教所擁有提供靈性關懷的機會、並展望未來可能的異象,讓基督宗教靈性關懷可以繼續在醫院,彰顯基督愛的撫慰與福音療癒的大能。


The purpose of this paper is to understand the history of spiritual care in hospitals of Taiwan. By collecting historical literatures and interviewing related persons, the author explored the historical context through three different paths: (1) military hospitals, (2) Christian hospitals, and (3) other hospitals that have hospice units. The study found that the first lady, Mayling Soong Chiang(蔣宋美齡)was the key person who promoted the mission of spiritual care in military hospitals. She employed chaplains to visit and share Jesus’ love and salvation to those lonesome military patients. Dr. Lien Hua Chow (周聯華)was appointed as the supervisor who educated military chaplains to fulfill the caring mission. In the path of Church hospitals, both Protestant and Catholic hospitals were initiatively contributed by medical missionary teams coming from Western developed countries. Missionaries asserted to heal the soul as well as the body. They valued spiritual care just as medical care. The legacy of chaplaincy is still an indispensable department in Christian hospitals. The third path is closely related to the worldwide Hospice and Palliative Care Movement. The main spirit of hospice care would employ the holistic care to alleviate the total pain of patients with terminal illness. Spiritual care has become one of professions in the hospice interdisciplinary team. Because the medical policy in Taiwan followed the mainstream of hospice care, Christian spiritual caregivers have opportunities to enter non-Christian hospitals, not only to help patients die well but also to comfort their families with peace. It is hoped that by reviewing these paths, Christians may understand the history of Christian spiritual care in Taiwan hospitals, recognize opportunities for providing Christian spiritual care in hospitals nowadays, and expect that Christian spiritual care in hospitals could continually demonstrate Christ’s love, comfort, and healing power in the future.
