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篇名 素養導向雙語課程設計及實例探索
卷期 321
並列篇名 Exploring the Design of Competency-based Bilingual Courses
作者 高實玫
頁次 059-077
關鍵字 素養導向新課綱課程設計學科內容和語言整合教學雙語教育competency-based curriculacourse designContent and Language Integrated Learning bilingual education
出刊日期 202101
DOI 10.3966/168063602021010321004


採用「學科內容和語言整合教學」(Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL)理念發展出的課程設計,強調在真實情境下以標的語(target language)作為發展領域知識的傳遞工具,這個理念與素養導向新課綱所強調的核心理念:培養學生具備帶著走的知識並成為終生自主學習者,十分吻合。本文介紹一份由參加臺南市雙語實驗計畫的學校,與輔導此計畫實施的國立成功大學外語中心研究團隊,協力發展出的「十二年國教新課綱素養導向教學CLIL教案」格式,並利用一份經過實際試教及修正的國小三年級數學科雙語教案,探討如何設計出具備CLIL的4C概念且能符合新課綱精神的領域課程雙語教案。本文所呈現的課程設計重點與步驟,可提供自行研發各種學科領域雙語課程之教師在進行共備時的參考。


The approach of “Content and Language Integrated Learning” (CLIL) in bilingual education shares many core features with the “108 Directions Governing for the 12-year Basic Education Curricula” launched in 2019 by the Ministry of Education. Both aim to help students develop competencies connected to real-life experiences and become life-long learners. This article analyzes one lesson plan designed for third-year bilingual math class. The discussion focuses on the key elements in this lesson plan, so to exemplify the procedure of how content and language teachers can work together to develop classroom activities and tasks that meet the requirements of the new competency-based curricula.
