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篇名 建構藥癮者的優質未來:正向概念與正念於毒品戒治處遇之應用
卷期 33
並列篇名 Building a Better Future for Substance Abusers: Application of Positive Concept and Mindfulness to Substance Abuse Treatment
作者 朱群芳蕭其蓁黃千軍林季誼
頁次 051-091
關鍵字 心理健康正向心理正念毒品戒治處遇藥物濫用mental healthpositive psychologymindfulnesssubstance abuse treatmentsubstance abuse
出刊日期 202011


近年毒品問題猖獗,再犯情況層出不窮,部分學者嘗試以「優勢觀點(strength-based model)」的模式進行處遇,強調從個體的優勢出發,為吸毒者的復原之路帶來新契機。本研究採用準實驗的介入設計,以臺灣某戒治所內接受強制戒治之男性收容人為研究對象,在2019年2月至5月間,規劃為期六周、共六堂,內容包含正向心理學元素及正念練習的處遇課程。有效樣本為實驗組28人,對照組17人,共45人。針對實驗組與對照組的參與者,本研究在處遇前、中、後進行問卷調查,並於兩個月後再進行追蹤調查,檢驗了參與者的感恩、樂觀、求助動機等方面的表現,以驗證處遇課程的介入成效。描述統計結果顯示,絕大多數參與者認為戒治所開設相關處遇課程能有助受戒治人戒毒,建議戒治所於未來開設相關處遇課程;八成以上的實驗組參與者認為本處遇課程讓其有決心去做改變、讓其看到自己的價值、看到未來的希望。綜上,實務建議戒治所將來運用正向心理學元素及正念練習開設處遇課程,未來研究應進行更具系統性及長時間的介入,亟待未來有更多相關研究檢視正向心理策略及正念練習在毒品處遇上的成效。


A drug-abuse problem has been rampant in recent years and is an important concern for society in Taiwan. In recent years, clinicians and researchers have started to incorporate positive psychology components, such as a strength-based approach, into treatment to help ex-drug users to rehabilitate. The present study adopts a quasi-experimental, intervention design. Six sessions of intervention courses based on the components of positive psychology and mindfulness were introduced to clients in the experimental group. Participants in the experimental (intervention) group consisted of a sample of 28 clients receiving mandatory treatment at a substance abuse treatment center in Taiwan. The control group consisted of a sample of 17 clients at the same place. Pre-intervention, between intervention, post intervention and follow-up surveys were conducted with clients in both of the experimental and comparison groups to assess clients’ scores of gratitude, optimism, and motivation to seek help. The interventions and surveys were conducted between February and May of 2019. More than 80% of the clients in the experimental group indicated that our courses made them find their own values and strengths and helped them to make up their mind to make a change. They suggested that similar courses can be offered to benefit clients at the treatment center. Findings of the research imply that courses using the components of positive psychology and mindfulness might be included in treatment programs for drug users. Future studies with more systematic and longer treatment period are needed to continue to assess the effects of positive psychology on substance abusers’ recovery.
