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篇名 新亭、桃源、蘭亭——論「菽莊」內渡詩人之憂憤
卷期 23
並列篇名 New pavilion、Peach Blossom Spring、Lanting——On the grief of the「Shuzhuang Garden」poets to China
作者 洪靜芳
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 異質空間菽莊桃花源蘭亭新亭heterotopiaShuzhuang GardenPeach Blossom SpringLantingNew pavilion
出刊日期 202006


1895年之後,相對於中國與臺灣紛擾的政局,獨立於鼓浪嶼的「菽莊花園」,成為在政治認同模糊,新舊思維交替之際,一個古典詩及傳統文化蓬勃發展的獨立場域。周旋其間的臺灣詩人,包括海東三進士:施士洁、許南英、丘逢甲,還有洪棄生、汪春源、謝頌臣等人,遭遇母國(臺灣)被殖民,父國(中國)改朝換代,成了二次「遭棄」的「遺民」,這種「遺」的形式,顯然比起歷代遺民的心理狀態更加複雜,他們不僅要面對興亡鼎革的政治認同,還有新文化的衝擊,因而他們所築構的「菽莊花園」成了遺世的「異質空間」。 此地絕世園林之勝,無疑是避秦桃花源的體現,但是它並不提供與世隔絕的隱逸生活,反而有十分頻仍的創作活動,每逢新景點落成或依時序的各節令,聯詠賦詩,盛況空前,尤其是沒間斷的上巳修褉,背後有豐富的文化意涵。這群乙未渡江,離開故土的棄民、遺民,他們在此桃源境地,一方面「新亭對泣」感時憂國,一方面蘭亭修禊,藉卉吟詠,從而形成「新亭+桃源+蘭亭」的遺民天地。 本文以下就「新亭情懷」、「避秦桃源」、「蘭亭修禊」三方面,來探索從這異質空間所發出的另類遺民心音。


After 1895, compared with the political situation in China and Taiwan, the “Shuzhuang Garden”, which is independent from Gulangyu, had become an independent field where classical poetry and traditional culture flourished when political identity was vague, traditional and innovative thinking mode alternated. Taiwanese poets, including The three Imperial Scholars of Haidong: Shi Shi-ji、Xu Nanying、Qiu Fengjia, and Hong Aisheng、Wang Chunyuan、Xie Yichen, etc., encountered Taiwan’s colonization and China’s changing of the dynasty, became the second "abandoned" "survivors". The psychological state of these survivors was obviously more complicated than the survivors of the past. They not only had to face the political identity that the country lacked, but also the impact of new culture. So the " Shuzhuang Garden" they built became the special "heterotopia". The beauty of the garden was undoubtedly a re-exhibition of避秦桃花源, but it did not provide a seclusion life, besides, it had a high frequency of creative activities. The poets gathered together to make poems when new attractions were completed or in accordance with the various seasons. The poetry is unprecedented, especially the uninterrupted Shangsi Festival, with abundant cultural implications behind it. The survivors, who left Taiwan in 1895, lived in the Taoyuan area. On the one hand, " Weeping in New pavilion", they missed their hometown. On the one hand, they Lanting 修禊 and wrote poetry , thus formed " New pavilion + Peach Blossom Spring +Lanting", the land of the survivors. In this article, we will explore the heartfelt sounds of heterotopia survivors from 「 Weeping in New pavilion」、「Avoiding Qin in Peach Blossom Spring」、「Repair in Lanting」.
