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篇名 馴服與移情——論中國古典小說中動物形象的轉變以猿猴為例
卷期 23
並列篇名 Taming and Empathy-On the Change of Animal Images in Chinese Classical Novels Take the ape as an example
作者 藍日昌
頁次 021-038
關鍵字 動物小說妖猴心猿白猿孫悟空Animal's novelgoblin's monkeyheart apewhite apeSun Wukong
出刊日期 202006


中國古典小說中不乏以動物為主題者,而這些動物最有趣的地方皆是與人之間的互動性非常密切,或者說人本是動物之一員,人與動物之間本就是一體,因此人與動物互相隨意地置換是中國動物小說中的一大特色。 這些動物的形象隨著時空的轉移,通常也會有不同的轉變,我們會看到形象凶暴的老虎也會化成溫柔的女子,陰狠的蛇類也有堅貞不移的白娘子。這些動物的形象轉換有些是成功的,而大部份都維持著固定的形象。 猴子則是所有動物中轉換最成功者,一開始是相貌似人而卻被人所宰殺,繼則成為好色的妖猴,繼之則是神通廣大的妖猴,再來則是成為隨唐玄奘法師西行求經中忠心負大責的妖猴,有時也成為頗具哲學性的心猿,最後則功德圓滿成為戰鬥勝佛,所有動物中以這集猴子成就最高了。這實在是有趣的變化,本文擬就猴子形象的變化以探討其中之義。


Animal as theme in Chine’s classical novel is not a lack. The most interesting part in this kind of fiction is always that animals and characters have a close interaction. , In other words, Mankind is originally a member of the animal from the view of earth. There is nod different in attributes between replace each other at will, which is a distinctive feature in Chinese animal’s fiction. The attributes of animals in story usually will alter according to different space-time. A tiger with fierce and brutal quality turing into gentle woman and an overcast and ruthless snake becoming a faithful wife are seen for example. In spite of the face that the change of qualities for some animals is successful, the majority of them are kept the same attributes. Monkeys are the most successful among others in the transformation of characteristic .From stories ,we can see one having a manlike face was killed at the beginning ,a goblin monkey with lustful or resourceful personality can found also ,and then a loyal ,conscientious goblin one to go along with the Master of Tan Xian Zoung to west turned out to be a 戰鬥勝佛, which has the highest achievement of all animals .This is such a fascinate process. This text play to obtain the justice through probing into the change of monkeys’ qualities in novel.
