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篇名 影響台灣幼兒園幼兒美語聽覺詞彙理解能力的學習環境因素之探討
卷期 23
並列篇名 An Exploration of Learning Environmental Factors Related to Comprehensive English Vocabulary Development of Preschoolers in Taiwan
作者 李宜賢卓淑美
頁次 093-118
關鍵字 聽覺詞彙理解幼兒美語父母期待有聲書comprehensive English vocabularyyoung children, English as foreign languageparental expectationaudio book
出刊日期 202006


數十年來台灣對於幼兒美語教學研究,皆提倡自然發音法能增進幼兒美語聽覺詞彙理解能力,然而針對影響台灣幼兒園幼兒美語聽覺詞彙理解能力的學習環境因素之探討卻乏善可陳。故本研究欲對此研究缺口作初步研究探討,期待能拋磚引玉,將來能夠讓更多有心學者及教師能進行更多後續深度研究。聽覺詞彙理解能力是一項幼兒語言發展的重要指標,也是閱讀能力的重要基礎。本研究旨在探討影響幼兒美語聽覺詞彙理解能力的學習環境相關因素,研究問題包括:(1)參與以有聲書增加美語接觸機會的頻率、父母對幼兒學習美語的期待和學習環境安排是否影響美語詞彙理解能力,(2)以有聲繪本進行以有聲書增加美語接觸機會是否能有效提升詞彙理解能力。本研究以台中市四所私立幼兒園為母群,全面普查園所參與意願及徵求家長同意後,自願參者為大班幼兒230人。研究工具包括畢保德圖畫詞彙理解測驗(Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; PPVT-IV),以及了解父母期待與學習環境安排的問卷。各班進行為期十週的美語以有聲書增加美語接觸機會,並使用PPVT-IV進行前後測,以了解幼兒在活動前後的詞彙理解能力。本研究結果顯示:(1)幼兒參與以有聲書增加美語接觸機會的頻率、父母對幼兒掌握敏感期的期待,以及幼兒何時開始學美語等變項對其詞彙理解能力有顯著的預測力,(2)幼兒在以有聲書增加美語接觸機會活動前後PPVT-IV進步分數顯著,各幼兒園之間無顯著差異存在,且幼兒參與以有聲書增加美語接觸機會的頻率對詞彙理解能力有顯著的預測力,(3)父母對幼兒掌握敏感期的期待較高者為幼兒安排開始學美語的時間也較早。


Phonics teaching has been around in Taiwan for the past decades and claimed to be one of the most effective teaching methodologies to enhance children’s English vocabulary comprehension, yet there is a paucity of research on the learning environmental factors related to comprehensive English vocabulary development of preschoolers in Taiwan. The purpose of this study therefore is to bridge the gap so many educators and teachers will be able to follow up with more in depth studies in the near future. Understanding of vocabulary is important for extracting meaning from text. People also learn the meaning of new words by encountering them in the context and inferring their meaning from text. This study examined the relationship between vocabulary development and the experience of print exposure in adopting audio book to enhance English learning and the family factors related to support of English vocabulary development of preschoolers in central Taiwan. The family factors studied include parental expectation, parental involvement, and arrangement of English learning activities. Vocabulary development of 230 preschoolers was measured with Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-IV) before and after the implementation of adopting audio book to enhance English learning activity of 10 weeks. Parental expectation measured includes 4 factors: (1) utilizing the sensitive period of English learning, (2) cultivating the interest of English learning, (3) preparation for entrance examine, and (4) preparation for future career. Results show that significant factors related to the vocabulary development of the subjects are: (1) the frequency of participation in the adopting audio book to enhance English learning activity, (2) parental expectation of utilizing the sensitive period of English learning, (3) early start of arrangement of English learning activities. Results also show significant improvement of vocabulary knowledge after the adopting audio book to enhance English learning activity; the mean scores of PPVT-IV-IV in pre- and post-test are 28.05 and 31.71 respectively.
