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篇名 從契約自由原則論航空公司拒載旅客之爭議
卷期 26
並列篇名 A discussion about the airline company refuses to take a passenger
作者 蘇惠卿
頁次 047-066
關鍵字 契約自由原則缔約自由相對人選擇自由内容自由變更或廢棄之自由方式自由定型化契約直接強制缔約間接強制缔約the principle of freedom of contractthe freedom to choose with whom to contractwether to contract or noton which terms to contract
出刊日期 201812




The principle of freedom of contract is the basic principle of the contract law. Through freedom of contract, individuals possess a general freedom to choose with whom to contract, whether to contract or not, and on which terms to contract. But in capitalist scciety a laborer/consumer can not compete with the trader under the principle of freedom of contract. For protecting the right of the laborer/consumer, we make some limitations to restrict the principle of freedom of contract. One of those is that we forced the trader to contract with a consumer who asks for contracting. Thus the trader can not choose with whom to contract.
