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篇名 從歷史觀點論析境外僱用外籍漁工的勞動權益保障
卷期 27
並列篇名 An Analysis on the Protection of Labor Rights and Interests of Foreign Migrant Workers from a Historical Perspective
作者 邱子宇
頁次 095-118
關鍵字 境外僱用外籍漁工歷史觀點勞動權益法治普世價值Employ Foreign FishermenHistorical PerspectiveLabor RightsRule of LawHuman Rights
出刊日期 201912




At present, Taiwanese fishing vessels enterprises operate marine fisheries and employ foreign fishermen to engage in marine fishing. This employment can be divided into two categories: domestic employment and overseas employment. Foreign fishermen employed under the domestic employment category are protected under the Labor Standards Act and have relatively complete labor rights security; while there is currently no application of the Labor Standards Act foreign fishermen employed under the oversea employment category. Laws governing fishing in international waters are defined and regulated by the Regulations on the Authorization and Management of Overseas Employment of Foreign Crew Members.
From the provisions of international laws such as the United Nation’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, labor rights have become a part of universal human rights. However, depending on whether domestic employment or overseas employment categories are used to employ are foreign workers, the protection of their labor rights varies in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Therefore, in addition to discussing from the perspective of the rule of law, this paper further analyses the issue from the historical perspective of Taiwan’s sea power to understand the status and protection of foreign fishermen employed offshore by Taiwanese enterprises. If foreign fishermen employed offshore in Taiwanese oceans have a certain status, this paper discusses whether there should be a review of their labor rights to meet the values developed for universal human rights.
