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篇名 船舶溫室氣體排放減量之新法趨勢與因應——兼論《零排放船舶過渡路徑》策略
卷期 27
並列篇名 Trend and response of the new legislation on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships——Also discussing on the strategy of “Zero-Emission Vessels Transition Pathways”
作者 方凱弘郭俊良
頁次 119-144
關鍵字 溫室氣體能源效率設計指標能源效率營運指標船舶能源效率管理計畫零排放船舶數據收集系統監控報告驗證GHGEEDIEEOISEEMPZEVDCSMRV
出刊日期 201912




The CO2 emissions in the global shipping industry will reach 1.4 billion tons, which is about 5% of the global CO2 emissions in 2020. With the increase in seaborne trade, ship greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 will increase by 150-250% compared with 2007. Therefore, IMO has continued to make regulations on hazardous emissions from ships in energy conservation and carbon reduction. It planned to reduce emissions in 2050 by 50% in 2008. Under the effective control of improving ship energy efficiency, global greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced 25-75%. “Initial IMO strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships” in 2018 proposed by IMO, providing short, medium and long-term strategies and planning their progresses yearly. In addition, UK LR and UMAS issued “Zero-Emission Vessels Transition Pathways” in 2019. It reported that the incentives including punishments and legislation should keep pace with the times and play a crucial motivation in order to achieve the emission reduction in 2050 made by IMO. This article will review IMO's important resolutions on greenhouse gas reduction, and the MEPC’s conclusions including of the circulars. Comparing to the EU and the classification society's measures, try to explain and predict the future legislative trends.
