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篇名 從我國法院給付返還之觀點論替代擔保金之保證書
卷期 28
並列篇名 The judgements on repayment claims for alternative deposit guarantees from the viewpoint of Taiwan court
作者 侯瑞瑗
頁次 025-044
關鍵字 無因的債務拘束法律上原因不當得利保證契約擔保契約立即照付之保證立即照付之擔保舉證責任分配abstract promise of debtlegal causeunjustified Enrichmentcontract of suretyshipindemnityfirst demand guaranteefirst demand indemnityAllocation of Burden of Proof
出刊日期 202006




The creditor's status would be lifted to almost the same level as the deposit holders5 if the bank guarantee stated payment on first demand. In recent years, Taiwan Supreme Court on the nature of these guarantees, debts that are considered to be causeless, it tends to be a guarantee of instant payment. In addition to commenting on the Taiwan Supreme Court Judgments 95 Tai Shang Tzu No.517 ^ 97 Tai Tzai Tzu No.38 and 102 Tai Shang Tzu No.584, this paper also focusing on the comparison of German law, and in-depth discussion of legal issues such as the nature of the guarantee and the return of benefits. Regarding the issue that the creditor cannot end the return of the security deposit, and the guarantor or principal debtor's claim for ex post relief, how to interpret the guarantee to clarify its nature, and there are different processing models.
