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篇名 懶人廚房料理食材包外送平臺設計與行銷之研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 Research on the Design and Marketing of “Easy Kitchen” Cooking Ingredients Package Delivery Platform
作者 樊祖燁李唯唯張雅鈞黃瑋婷林容安
頁次 073-092
關鍵字 食品安全均衡飲食有機農產品料理食材包Food SafetyBalanced DietOrganic Agricultural ProductsCooking Ingredients Package
出刊日期 202103




Nowadays, many people leave their hometowns to work or study. They often choose takeaway or fast food to feed themselves because of many inconveniences and unable to cook their own food. In recent years, consumers’ health awareness has risen. More and more consumers do not want extra physical burden caused by eating out. They hope that they can cook food by themselves, but because of limited kitchenware and cooking skills, they don’t know how to start cooking. Therefore, this research designed an “Easy Kitchen” Cooking Ingredients Package Delivery Platform. Hoping through the platform, consumers who want to cook their own dishes can use simple cooking methods to taste the cooking ingredient packages made from organic agricultural products. Customers can easily cooks a meal. This platform hopes that through cooperation with small farmers, the food will be packaged using vacuum packaging technology after cooking, and then transported by refrigerated trucks and delivered to consumers. Allow consumers to cook dishes quickly and conveniently after receiving the cooking package. Not only the small farmers will have a stable income, but it will also reduce consumers’ doubts about food safety and create a win-win situation.
