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篇名 光激發光劑量計評估共平面調控放射治療於攝護腺癌治療計畫最佳化與劑量驗證研究
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 A Treatment Planning Optimizations and Dose Verification of Coplanar Modulated Radiotherapy using Optical Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter for Prostate Cancer
作者 吳俊陽林鈺芳蕭文田任秉豐陳家睿盧佳君賴律翰
頁次 2077-2088
關鍵字 光激發光劑量計治療計畫最佳化放射治療Optically Stimulated Luminescent DosimeterTreatment Planning OptimizationsRadiotherapy
出刊日期 202103




In the radiotherapy of the prostate, the effective dose for its organ at risk in radiation is a great concern of radiation oncologist and medical physicist. In this study, we used the intensity of 6 MV and 10 MV linear accelerator to adjust the intensity-modulated radiation therapy technology to change the treatment angle as well as the volumetric modulated arc therapy technology to change the number of coil to simulate the treatment of patients with prostate cancer. Our study used optically stimulated luminescent dosimeter to measure the intensity-modulated radiation therapy technology and volumetric modulated arc therapy technology on the dose assessment of adjacent organs of prostate cancer. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy technology and volumetric modulated arc therapy technology had similar dose distribution, improved dose distribution, increased tumor control rate and reduce complication rate of the peripheral normal tissue. The standard error of 6 MV and 10 MV computer treatment planning system single dose (theoretical value) and optically stimulated luminescent dosimeter (experimental value) are 1.25% and 1.39%, respectively.
