
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Scopus

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篇名 Analysis of association among various attributes in medical data of heart patients by using data mining methods
卷期 18:2
作者 O.Jamsheela
頁次 009-009
關鍵字 Data miningAnalysis of patients’ dataData mining on medical dataFrequent itemset miningAssociation rule mining on medical dataScopus
出刊日期 202106
DOI 10.6703/IJASE.202106_18(2).009



Large quantities of information about patients have been collected in clinical databases. The data collection is started for the use of doctors but actually these information are a good input for data mining. However, the collected data contains much valuable information when it is treated as a single set of data. From the data many useful knowledge can be extracted. Most of the hospitals are nowadays keep the data of every visited patient. This data can be used to extract new knowledge associated with medical field. The association rule mining, which is one of the popular data mining techniques, can be applied on clinical databases to extract novel and potential knowledge. In this paper, analysis of results obtained from application of association rule mining on a database consisting of details of 10000 patients is presented.
