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篇名 大學運動員心理資本對憂鬱程度之影響-以流暢體驗為調節變項
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 The Effects of University Athletes’ Psychological Capital on Depression: Using Flow Experience as Moderator
作者 張家銘巫慧萍黃秀卿林欣成
頁次 112-123
關鍵字 自我效能希望韌性樂觀Self-EfficiencyHopeResilienceOptimism
出刊日期 202106
DOI 10.6214/JSRM.202106_18(1).0007




The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among psychological capital, depression, and flow experience of university athletes, by taking students with sports specialty in 7 universities of Taiwan as the research subjects. One hundred questionnaires were issued to each university, totaling 700 questionnaires, while 682 valid questionnaires were collected, for an effective recovery rate of 97.4%. According to the results, university athletes’ self-efficiency has no influence on their depression, university athletes’ hope has a negative influence on their depression, while their optimism has a negative influence on their depression, and university athletes’ resilience has no influence on their depression. Flow experience has a moderating effect, and a high level of flow experience reduces the influence of self-efficiency on depression. The four dimensions of psychological capital - namely, self-efficiency, hope, resilience, and optimism - as well as flow experience can explain 18% of the explanatory variables of depression. The above results offer a reference for improving athletes’ depression.
