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篇名 大小一起學「法語區文化課程」:台北市和平實驗國小選修課「Bonjour!皇后與兔」與輔仁大學法文系之教學合作實例
卷期 32
並列篇名 Synchronous Teaching and Learning Practices from Optional Course “Francophone Culture: Bonjour, Queen and Rabbit!” by Taipei Heping Experimental Elementary School and French Department of Fu-Jen Catholic University
作者 林韋君董桂月黃志順
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 大學小學課程設計法語區文化協同教學實踐universityelementary schoolcurriculumFrancophone culturecollaborative teachingpraxis
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202012_(32).0001




Elementary schools and universities are at the two opposite poles in Taiwan education system. This study explores not only how to manage the opportunities for these two institutes to cooperate but also to arrange the option course “Francophone culture: Bonjour! Queen and Rabbit” in elementary school to accumulate synchronous teaching and learning practices for college students. The keypoint is to coordinate resources from two institutes to achieve so-called “learning by teaching”. To be specific, we will go through following questions: who teaches, who learns, how to teach and how to learn. In this study, we present the processes from curriculum planning to course contents through collaborative teaching, feedback from students of different ages, as well as reflections on current cooperation patterns. Through the collaborative teaching of “Francophone culture” and learning by teaching mode, students of two institutes and teachers all obtain valuable experience. Furthermore, students and teachers of universities can thereby rethink the connection between academic rationalism, personal relevance and social relevance, in order to optimize the best education practices.
