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篇名 《日本書紀》中之「孝德紀」的記述方法―以其與漢籍之關聯為視點―
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Writing Style of “Chronicle of Emperor Kotoku” in Nihon Shoki: Centered on the Relationship with Ancient Chinese Books
作者 鄭家瑜
頁次 025-050
關鍵字 日本書紀孝徳天皇漢籍大化革新鍾匱之制薄葬令Nihon ShokiEmperor Kotokuancient Chinese booksDaika ReformKanehitu SystemSimple Funeral Order
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202012_(32).0002




Nihon Shoki was written in “Kanji” (Chinese characters), Chinese literary style, and with large amount of Chinese wordings and literary quotations. Then, how did Nihon Shoki use these Chinese ideas and styles and quotations of ancient Chinese books? What did they represent in Nihon Shoki? This paper is part of the project of finding out how Nihon Shoki is affected by ancient Chinese books, centered on the description of Emperor Kotoku of Daika Reform, the biggest political reform in ancient Japan, and connection with ancient Chinese books to discover the writing style of “Chronicle of Emperor Kotoku” in Nihon Shoki. The content of “Chronicle of Emperor Kotoku” majorly includes three parts: (1) the process of Emperor Kotoku ascending the throne and the relocation of the capital, (2) how and what is Daika Reform, (3) Kanehitu System, Simple Funeral Order, reign title changing. Through this paper you can find a lot of political learning in the age of Emperor Kotoku from Chinese taxation system, bureaucracy, local management, while the thought about Chinese emperor appears. Through the use of these Chinese thoughts and Chinese texts or quotations, the image of Emperor Kotoku as a virtuous ruler selected by the destiny and actively participating the international community of East Asia surfaced, the system of centralized politics built by Emperor Kotoku was pictured. Concluding the above, we can find “Chronicle of Emperor Kotoku” in Nihon Shoki actually largely adapting Chinese thoughts and ancient books.
