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篇名 晚近俄語與中文網際網路語言的特點
卷期 32
並列篇名 Current Internet Communication in the Russian and Chinese Languages
作者 史薇塔
頁次 051-069
關鍵字 網路資訊技術俄語中文網路俚語外來語全球化大眾媒體Internetinformation technologiesthe Russian languagethe Chinese languageInternet slangneologismsglobalizationmass media
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202012_(32).0003


我們很幸運地生活在一個令人驚異的時代──日新月異的資訊科技以及網際網路,對我們的生活產生無遠弗屆、廣泛深遠的影響,當然,對我們日常使用的語言亦是如此。人們的生活步調也似乎變得更快,天天上網報到之餘,甚至已視之為生活當中不可或缺的一部分。根據針對淡江大學四年級學生的調查結果顯示,他們當中許多人每天在網上花費四至八個小時:在社群媒體網絡上閱讀貼文,交流溝通、寫作、發表評論、發佈照片,換言之,他們必須同時接收、發送眾多訊息,而這一切均需花費許多時間。因此,網路的出現導致一種新型的溝通方式,即所謂的網際網路語言,簡稱為網路語言,在英文中則通常被稱為CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication),網路語言風靡全球各種語言,均展現出諸多共同的特色:使用各種縮寫、流行語、諧音、外來語等。與此同時,也更加體現出英語對俄語、中文的重大影響,因為進入21世紀後,全世界儼然成為一個地球村,英語也已成為全球交流的共通語言之一。


We are lucky to live in an amazing time – a time of new information technologies and the Internet, which have a huge impact on our lives, and of course, on our languages. People seem to be living faster, they log on to the Internet every day without even noticing it. According to a survey of fourth-year students at Tamkang University, many students spend four to eight hours on the Internet every day: they read posts and articles on social networks, communicate, write, comment, post photos, that is, they do a lot of things concurrently and all this takes a lot of time. Thus, the advent of the Internet led to the creation of a new forms or language, the so-called Internet communication, which in the English tradition is called СMС (Computer-Mediated Communication). This type of communication has some features specific to each language: the use of various abbreviations, slang, erratives, and so on. There is also a great influence on the Russian and Chinese languages from English, as in the 21st century the world has become a large global village, and English has become the language of global communication.
