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篇名 小說《蛙》的再生-西文譯本Rana研究
卷期 32
並列篇名 Another Life of the Novel Wa – A Study on its Spanish Translation Rana
作者 古孟玄
頁次 071-096
關鍵字 操縱忠誠逆向翻譯文化元素Ranamanipulationfidelityinverse translationcultural elements
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202012_(32).0004




Rana is the first Spanish version of Mo Yan’s novel translated by a Chinese native speaker directly from the original text. Inspired by the process of inverse translation (Chinese to Spanish) of Rana, and the uniqueness of Mo Yan’s novels’ fine and sophisticated depiction of Chinese elements, this study compares the Chinese original of Wa and its Spanish translation. The Manipulation School asserts that translators are entitled to follow their ideology to reproduce a target text. Benjamin (2004) also claims that a translation becomes another new life for the original work. Based on such theories, this study discusses the difference between the original text and its translation focusing on the translator’s use of translation skills. In addition, this study points out the detected deviation in the translation; tries to demonstrate how a Chinese native speaker delivers the author’s messages and examines the fidelity to the original work in the Spanish translation.
