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篇名 兩岸華語教材量詞之比較-以「木」部件為例
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 A Comparison of Measure Words Used in Chinese Teaching Materials between Mainland China and Taiwan: Using the Measure Words Grouped under the Radical “木 (Mu, Wood)” as an Example
作者 劉靜宜
頁次 001-048
關鍵字 量詞華語(對外漢語)教材語義動畫classifierChinese for foreignersteaching materialsemanticsanimation
出刊日期 202012




One of the features of the Chinese grammar is “c Measure Words ”. And foreign students who are learning Chinese often find Measure Words difficult to understand. With the research scope covering four sets of teaching materials from Mainland China and Taiwan, this study aims to analyze the “Measure Words” used in the Chinese teaching materials for foreigners using research approaches including quantitative analysis, literature review, and diachronic analysis, for the purpose of providing the academic circle a further insight into “Measure Words”. First, this study identifies the numbers and orders of the Measure Words used in the four sets of Chinese teaching materials for foreigners from Mainland China and Taiwan and “Syllabus of the Graded Vocabulary” and summarizes the orders of the Measure Words grouped under the radical “木 (mu, wood)”, such as “枚 (mei)”, “條 (tiao)”, “根 (gen)”, “支 (zhi)”, “枝 (zhi)”, “棵 (ke)”, “株 (zhu)”, “朵 (duo)”, “束 (shu)”, “棟 (dong)”, “本 (ben)”, “樣 (yan)g”, and “種 (zhong)”, as suggestions for teaching material design. Secondly, the structure of modern Measure Words is studied. It is found that the phrase structure composed of Measure Words in the Pre-Chin Dynasty is not the “number + classifier + noun” structure used nowadays. Then, semantic analyses are performed with the Measure Words “枚 (mei)”, “條 (tiao) ” , and “ 根 (gen) ” to explore the origins in order to investigate the meanings of these characters when they were created. What are the archetypes of these Measure Words? Have their meanings been expanded, reduced, or shifted during the evolvement? Lastly, through multimedia, the origins of the oracle script, bronze script, small seal script, clerical script, and regular script are introduced, to explain the evolvements of the Measure Words “枚 (mei)”, “條 (tiao)”, and “根 (gen)”. This multimedia can be used as auxiliary materials for Chinese teachers who teach foreign students as well as an interesting way for foreign students to get to know the culture of Chinese characters when learning Chinese.
