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篇名 不同術後臥位對永久性心臟節律器植入術之成果比較
卷期 25:4
並列篇名 Comparison of Different Bed Rest Positions on Post-Operation Outcomes Following Permanent Pacemaker Implantation
作者 黃惠鈺陳慧玲簡麗瑜莊月娥
頁次 453-459
關鍵字 永久性心臟節律器植入舒適程度疼痛程度傷口合併症permanent pacemaker implantationcomfort levelpain levelwound complicationsTSCI
出刊日期 202107
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202107_25(4).0002




No consistent standard indicates how long and in what position a patient should remain strictly in bed following permanent pacemaker implantation. The purpose of this study was to compare supine to semirecumbent bed rest positions for comfort level, wound pain, and wound complications among patients who underwent permanent pacemaker implantation. This cross-sectional study consisted of 108 participants. We used a numerical rating scale and medical records to collect research data. The results revealed that patients in a sitting position in bed for 6 hours perceived less discomfort (p < .001) and pain (p < .05) than patients in a supine position for 24 hours. No significant difference in the incidence of wound complications between the two groups was observed. Instead of a supine position for 24 hours, we suggest a semirecumbent position for 6 hours in bed after permanent pacemaker implantation because the participating patients perceived less discomfort and pain with no effect on the incidence of wound complications. The results of this study can serve as a care reference for health care providers after permanent pacemaker implantation.
