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篇名 船舶在狹水道和淺水中航行主要差別
卷期 54
作者 馬豐源
頁次 085-093
關鍵字 狹水道淺水及舵效Narrow channelShallow water and Rudder effect
出刊日期 202107




As the ship starts to turn, during the turning period, the ship slides in the water, which will cause a large amount of water resistance to continuously resist the rudder, resulting in lateral resistance. By changing the balance between lateral resistance and rudder force, and reducing the former to a minimum, the latter can be used to its maximum potential to achieve forward sailing. In order to achieve the best results, the speed of the ship must first be reduced to be equal to or slower than the speed of the blind spot. As the speed decreases, the water flow along the side of the ship and the lateral resistance at this time are the smallest, so that the rudder force can be utilized to the greatest extent. When a ship navigates in narrow waterways and shallow waters, its rudder efficiency must be ensured in order to obtain the safety of navigation.
