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篇名 《夢溪筆談》記載宋代工藝舉隅:服飾類與皇帝儀仗類
卷期 39
並列篇名 Some examples of crafts in the Sung Dynasty records by Mongxi Bitan: Apparel and Royal Escort
作者 韓桂華
頁次 031-066
關鍵字 宋代工藝夢溪筆談服飾玉輅Sung DynastycraftMongxi BitanapparelJade Car by Emperor
出刊日期 202012




Mongxi Bitan by Shen Gua is known as an encyclopedia of ancient China, covering a wide range of topics, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geography, biology, agriculture, medicine, technology, literature, history, archaeology, Music, art, and many other disciplines. The related research results of recent people are also very fruitful, covering various fields several times. Among them, the discussion on crafts and technology, the well-known Bi Sheng’s invention of letterpress printing, and the unique description of the architect Yu Hao, etc., are mostly scattered among various specialties, or give general introductions, and rarely Special essay discussion. Therefore, this article intends to focus on the related Sung Dynasty crafts described in Mongxi Bitan, cite the items related to the royal apparel and escort as examples, and explain its historical development context and characteristics, to see crafts in the Sung Dynasty.
