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篇名 《金史.循吏傳》與金代的循良吏
卷期 39
並列篇名 The description of “Jing shih Xunli chuan” and discussion on good officials in Jing dynasty
作者 王明蓀
頁次 067-104
關鍵字 金代循吏政績書寫Jing dynastXunli official performancedescription
出刊日期 202012




In most of the Official Dynastic Histories there were the biographies of good officials to describe the deeds of outstanding and competent officials. There were twenty-eight good officials recorded in Jing shih Xunli chuan. They were not born of famous family and stay in power under different regimes. Many of them performed very well when they were local low order officials and then elevated to high-ranking officials. They had great contributions in many fields, like administrative management and jurisdiction. In addition to the description of their achievements, there were many records which represent the image of good officials in the minds of the masses.
