
臺灣文學學報 THCI

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篇名 楊牧花蓮歷史和神話中的神聖性
卷期 38
並列篇名 The Idea of Sacredness in Yang Mu’s Hua-lien Poems
作者 利文祺
頁次 109-138
關鍵字 楊牧花蓮聖與俗戀地情節地誌詩原住民Yang MuHua-lienthe sacred and the profanetopophilia, topographical poetryIndigenous PeoplesTHCI
出刊日期 202106
DOI 10.30381/BTL.202106_(38).0004


楊牧的作品中常出現花蓮意象,陳芳明認為是「花蓮情結」的展現。陳義芝提出「花蓮語境」,強調花蓮的情感認同。吳潛誠以西方傳統的「地誌詩」(topographical poetry)出發,認為花蓮詩歌是一場歷史回顧的精神之旅。曾珍珍更以同樣的「地誌」觀念,指出楊牧以台灣的邊緣為依據,挑戰中國的中心地位。在先行觀點的支持下,我想指出一種更深入的精神面向,即這些詩歌呼應了伊利亞德(Mircea Eliade)的「聖與俗」和段義孚的「戀地情節」(topophilia)。伊利亞德認為人們常將自己的居住地視為「世界中心」,並以此發展出異質的空間概念:此地是神聖的,充滿神話傳說,並安全的,而彼處是未知、混沌、危險。段義孚亦提出類似的概念,並認為中國的「中原」和「天下」的概念由此出發。楊牧的花蓮詩即銘刻了此種宗教情懷。他以創世和世界父母(world parents)的神話觀書寫〈帶你回花蓮〉,並在〈花蓮〉、〈俯視〉、〈仰望〉刻劃三種神祇:太平洋海神、立霧溪女神、木瓜山之神。他也重訪了神聖卻又悲傷的加禮宛戰役,寫下〈佐倉:薩孤肋〉,並以鬧鬼(haunted)的方式書寫原住民青年在被漢人殺害後,卻又徘徊在森林之中,以為戰役並未開始。〈沙婆礑〉、〈池南荖溪一〉、〈池南荖溪二〉,用了大量的泛靈觀點來看待重構原住民的早期生活。


This thesis examines how Yang Mu enriches the story of his hometown with mythic content and retells Indigenous history in an animistic way. He sees Hua-lien as a source of everything, and as a place where the god of Mount Papaya, the goddess of Li-wu Stream, and the god of the Pacific Ocean appear. Moreover, a sense of topophilia leads Yang to include the Indigenous story of the Kaliawan Incident (加禮宛戰役). He imagines himself as a young Indigenous fighter who, after the massacre, dies and still haunts the battlefield. What he sees is not merely an objective outer world, but also a world with spiritual plants, animals, and rocks. If China tends to create a discourse that sees itself as central and differentiates its surrounding regions by decreasing values, Yang Mu’s local and supernatural poems demonstrate a focal transition to Taiwan and a refusal to accept Chinese totality.
