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篇名 建立快樂經濟不可不知的事-主觀福祉與省思
卷期 12
並列篇名 Things We Need to Know for Building a Happy Economy: Subjective Well-being and Reflections
作者 江靜儀
頁次 235-326
關鍵字 主觀福祉快樂快樂研究佛法subjective well-beinghappinesshappiness researchBuddhadharma
出刊日期 201908


追求快樂是人類的本能也是行為主要的驅動力,如何快樂是人類自古以來的大哉問。我快樂嗎?「真」的快樂嗎?可以「更」加快樂嗎?人類是經濟的動物,仰賴彼此交易而互助生存,多數人認為經濟活動的蓬勃發展,或財富所濃縮的內容,是幸福快樂的關鍵,然而外在環境豐富的程度與快樂不必然相關,深入洞察快樂的本質有助於引導人們享有立即和永續的幸福。本研究以佛法的角度探討如何增進經濟社會的快樂—主觀福祉,強調人們的價值觀、認知與行為是影響快樂的關鍵,此不同於一般經濟研究著重分析客觀環境的改善。我們首先整合哲學、心理學與佛法中快樂的概念,釐清快樂的意涵。其次利用世界價值調查(World Values Survey, WVS)的問卷資料觀察普羅大眾快樂的程度與差異,並以計量方法進行快樂要素的實證分析,研究中以三個國家(臺灣、荷蘭與印度)為觀察對象。本研究發現不論是西方學術的理論研究或是佛法的內容,都揭示人們快樂與否是「心」的問題,理性的認知與感性的情感和情緒都主導著人們的快樂,迴歸分析也顯示「主觀」的因素顯著可解釋一般人快樂的差異。佛法更揭示「真正」的快樂來自於自我中心煩惱的消融,而這有賴正確觀念的建立與行為的調整,智慧與慈悲是增進自他快樂的泉源。由此推知,不論是個人或群體,快樂的經濟模式應是遵循能讓身、心、環境安定與共榮的永續發展路徑。


Pursuing happiness is one of major driving forces in life for human beings. How to aquire happiness is a big old question. Am I happy? Really happy? Can we be happier? People depend on each other by trading goods and services. Although most of us consider economic prosperity, or wealth accumulation is the key to happiness and welbeing, these two are not definitely related to each other. Exploring the nature of happiness would help us to find the ways to obtain sustainable genuine happiness for now and the future. The purpose of this paper is to discover how to promote the socio-economic happiness/subjective well-being for individuals from Buddhists’ point of view. First, we clearify the meaning of happiness by integrating the concepts of happiness both in philosophy and psychology, and Buddhadharma as well. Then, we use the happiness regression model to find out the factors of happiness for the public. In empirical study we use the data from the World Values Survey (Wave 6) for three countries, Taiwan, Netherlands, and India. The paper finds that we should explore the nature of “mind” and learn to generate genuine happiness by eliminate vexations. The key would be the right understanding of things, right attitude, and wholesome behavior, i.e. behaiving ourselves in accord with wisdom and compassion. The sustainable path for a happy economy is to follow an integrated way of living that makes our body, mind, and environment to remain homonious and flourishing by accumulate merits and Dharma wealth.
