
華語文教學研究 THCI

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篇名 糾正回饋與華語學習者語法結構習得之效應研究
卷期 18:3
並列篇名 Corrective Feedback and the Acquisition of Grammatical Structures of L2 Chinese Learners
作者 陳春美
頁次 001-036
關鍵字 糾正回饋華語語法綜合語言書寫回饋課室互動classroom interactioncorrective feedbackL2 Chinese grammarmetalinguistic written feedbackTHCI
出刊日期 202109




This study investigates the effect of corrective feedback (CF), including recasts, prompts, recasts plus written corrective feedback (WCF), and prompts plus WCF, on Chinese-as-a-second-language (L2 Chinese) learners’ acquisition of target grammatical structures. Forty-eight learners from diverse language backgrounds and four experienced teachers participated in the study. Drawing upon four CF treatments (Recast, Prompt, Recast + WCF, and Prompt + WCF) with a pretest, immediate posttest, and delayed posttest design, grammar gains of the learners were compared and measured. The results showed that recasts plus WCF facilitated learners’ accurate use of resultative complements in the immediate posttest, and prompts plus WCF retained the long-term grammatical gains, as evidenced by significant outperformance in the delayed posttest. The findings suggest that metalinguistic knowledge in focused WCF is crucial in improving L2 Chinese learners’ grammatical competence and shed light on the advantages of instructional CF practices in classroom contexts.
