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篇名 西方國民政府時期的電影檢查與電影教育:以張冲主持電影為中心的考察(1934-1936)
卷期 23
並列篇名 Film Censorship and Education in the Period of Nanjing National Government (1934-1936): An Investigation Centered on Films Hosted by Zhang Chong
作者 林威杰
頁次 073-110
關鍵字 三民主義國家電影檢查電影教育張冲《農人之春》Three people's principles countryFilm CensorshipFilm EducationZhang Chong“Farmers' Spring”THCI
出刊日期 202104




Modern The Three People's Principles is the root of the Kuomintang's ideology and the legal basis of its regime. The national government was a political organization in which the Kuomintang led the government by the party and governed the country through the party. In the process of building a country based on the Three People's Principles, the national government hoped to implement the Kuomintang's ideological concept in every citizen's heart through various means and ways, and film became one of the best tools. After all, China was a country with a large number of illiterate, and film could be the best option for the government to clearly express its ideas and value to the public in the form of images, videos and other forms. Therefore, the Kuomintang had known the importance of film just before it was in power in the whole country. Then, to explore the film industry in the period of the national government, we must first start from the two directions, film inspection and film education. Zhang Chong serves as a link between the development of Chinese film industry in the past and future. Because of his previous spy status and his proficiency in Russian, the brothers Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu valued him a lot and helped him enter the film promotion system. They hoped to have a deeper understanding of the status of film development in other countries back then and the operation of anti-communist propaganda, crack down on films that were not conducive to the Kuomintang rule, and occupy ideological positions with the help of Zhang Chong.
