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篇名 長期夜間工作人員健檢結果比較分析研究
卷期 28:4
並列篇名 The health effects of exposure to night shift work.
作者 林士傑徐惠芳林歆宜陳昭源
頁次 331-340
關鍵字 夜間工作長期夜間工作夜班輪班肝功能異常心電圖night shiftshift worknonstandard work hourscircadian systemhealth effectselectrocardiogramTSCI
出刊日期 202110


背景及研究目的:我國勞動部於2018年1月5日公告指定長期夜間工作勞工特定項目健康檢查,期待本國雇主能重視長期夜間工作勞工的健康管理與適性評估。北區某科技廠長期夜間工作同仁與非夜間工作同仁均約莫4000人,整廠勞工人數超過8000人,為具指標意義的大型本土資料。透過分析該廠勞工健檢結果日夜間差異,研究結果可作為工作相關疾病預防政策或執行健康管理參考。研究方法:研究將以該廠2020年健檢結果,分為長期夜間工作及廠內其他非長期夜間工作同仁資料,針對抽血檢驗結果、血壓異常與肝功能(GPT)異常以SPSS進行描述性統計,辨識分析肝功能異常與其他健康風險因子。另外,因長期夜間工作勞工特定項目健康檢查將心電圖檢查視為重點,本研究亦將針對夜間工作勞工心電圖檢查結果分析統計。結果:依勞動部指定長期夜間工作之勞工為雇主應施行特定項目健康檢查之特定對象定義,將廠內接受年度健檢所有同仁區分為長期夜間工作3957人及非長期夜間工作同仁(扣除健檢資料不全者)4329人,共8286人。研究結果顯示,長期夜間工作者收縮壓略高(+1.4 mmHg)、三酸甘油脂較高(+18.5 mg/dL)、GPT略高(+2.9 U/L)、HDLC略低(-1.9 mg/dL),差異皆有達到統計上顯著。此外,夜間工作者收縮壓異常比例較高(+3.7%)、三酸甘油脂異常比例高(+7.4%)、GPT異常比例較高(+4%)、HDLC異常比例較高(+2.2%),差異亦達統計顯著。結論:長期夜間工作同仁,生活作息不容易正常,常見運動時間安排不易、睡眠品質不佳及用餐時間較不規律的問題。本研究發現,長期夜班工作,可能導致肝指數異常、血脂與血壓較高等負面健康影響。建議未來,無論政府、事業單位與長期夜間工作者,均應持續重視夜班工作者的健康風險管理與評估。


Background and Aims: Potential effected of night shift work is well-known for its correlation with high risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and fatigue. The aim of this study was to make an analysis from the annual health check data (March, 2020) of the employees in a North-Taiwan semiconductor company, to evaluate the associations between night shift work and concerning effects on lipid, liver function (glutamate pyruvate transaminase, GPT), blood sugar and blood pressure. Methods: A total 8286 workers from the semiconductor company were recruited, 3957 workers were night-shift employees, and 4329 workers were non-shift employees. Abnormal GPT was defined as GPT > 41 U/L. Abnormal TG was defined as TG>150 mg/dl. Abnormal HDLC was defined as HDLC<40mg/dl. Elevated blood sugar was defined as sugar > 100 mg/dl. Abnormal systolic pressure was defined as SBP>140mmHg. Electrocardiogram analysis was also done for night-shift workers. Results: Shift work status was associated with poor systolic pressure (+1.4 mmHg), higher TG (+18.5 mg/dL), higher GPT (+2.9 U/L), lower HDLC (-1.9 mg/dL). Night shift workers had an increased risk of abnormal systolic pressure(+3.7%), abnormal TG (+7.4%), abnormal GPT (+4%) and abnormal HDLC(+2.2%). Conclusion: Night shift work were likely associated with abnormal liver function, higher blood pressure, higher lipid, higher blood sugar. We recommend that all the companies pay highly attention to night-shift worker’s risk of metabolic syndrome. These association need to be verified in prospective cohort studies.
