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篇名 談虛擬桌面架構在圖書館業務連續性計畫中的應用-以新冠肺炎防疫分區辦公室演練為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 Application of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in Library Business Continuity Plan - Take COVID-19 epidemic prevention remote office as an example
作者 田國慶
頁次 062-090
關鍵字 圖書館新冠肺炎虛擬化虛擬桌面防疫業務連續性計畫libraryCOVID-19virtualizationvirtual desktop infrastructureepidemic preventionbusiness continuity planning
出刊日期 202111




The new crown pneumonia cases emerged at the end of 2019, and the epidemic spreading phenomenon has continued to heat up during 2020. The situation leads to many countries, their governments have tried to improve some preventive measures for the epidemic, resulting in many people having to be isolated at home, and cannot return to school or work. The epidemic also has had a huge impact on the global education and library circles. Many universities have suspended classes and libraries have been closed as well. This research explores under the circumstances of the current crown pneumonia epidemic, how does the virtualized desktop architecture built by the Asian Art and Cultural Information Center of the South Campus carry out deployment of advanced prevention, and start a business continuity plan. The argument is that in completing the configuration of the remote offices and in transferring the service areas, the colleagues can continue to provide readers services from these offices and data centers to ensure that the actual operation is not been interrupted. This essays discusses the advantages of virtual desktop architecture in the arrangement, management, maintenance and construction during the epidemic prevention period. It also discusses the simplification and reduction of the costs to build the construction of remote offices and providing continuous services. The research result is expected to provide a scientific data for agencies to plan the epidemic prevention strategies and construction of remote offices.
