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篇名 世界葡萄酒標籤設計的初探-以“Wine Spectator”世界前100名最佳葡萄酒為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study on the Design of World Wine Labels - A Case Study of the “Wine Spectator” Best Grape Wines in the World
作者 洪雅玲
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 酒標設計創作媒材商品符碼視覺風格wine levelcreative mediacommodity symbolvisual style
出刊日期 202110


葡萄酒標的設計日新月異,究竟設計師喜歡使用的創作媒材有哪些?符號學是設計師用來與顧客溝通品牌含義的利器,究竟符號學提供了哪些視覺屬性,來讓消費者產生類似的聯想,進而認同設計師的創意?酒標設計是酒商用來促銷品牌的門面,然而進口葡萄酒充斥每個國家,該如何詮釋這些多元的視覺風格,以協助消費者了解跨文化的創意呢?本研究採用內容分析法作為研究方法,首先搜尋文獻中常見用於平面設計的商品符碼與視覺風格作為評析類目,再以Wine Spectator於2019年各評選出來的世界前100名最佳葡萄酒的標籤設計做為研究對象。該產地涵蓋美國、德國、法國、義大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、智利、阿根廷、紐西蘭、澳洲與南非等國家,之後再使用信度分析方法,測驗本研究結果的信度高低。研究發現,在創作媒材方面,國外設計師喜歡使用繪畫媒材如鉛筆、水彩與油彩來呈現大自然的美景,因為手繪設計的酒標幾乎佔了二分之一,而電腦數位亦變成流行的創作工具,因為向量設計的酒標佔了40%。而媒材的使用和商品符碼與視覺風格息息相關,譬如常見設計師以素描描繪風景以呈現田園生活的風格,以水彩描繪動植物以呈現自然草本的風格,以數位向量設計品牌以呈現現代時尚的風格,甚至以雕塑與版畫勾勒文化以呈現復古風格。期待本研究結果可以提供給台灣相關產業經營者與設計人員參考之用。


The design of wine labels is changing with every day that passes, so what creative media do international designers like to use? Semiotics is a weapon used by designers to communicate the meaning of the brand to customers. What are the visual attributes of semiotics that are able to arouse similar associations in consumers so that they recognize the designer's creativity? The wine label design is the façade used by wine merchants to promote their brand. However, since imported wine is flooding into every country, how should these multiple visual styles be interpreted to enable consumers to understand cross-cultural creativity? A content analysis was used as the research method for this study. This firstly involved searching for the commodity symbols and visual styles commonly used in graphic design in the literature as the analysis category. Secondly, the wine labels of the world's top 100 best wines selected by Wine Spectator in 2019 were chosen as the research objects, while the places of origin were the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, etc. Finally, a reliability analysis was used to determine the reliability of the results. It was found in the research that, in terms of creative media, foreign designers like to use painting media, such as pencils, watercolours and oil paints to present the beauty of nature, because almost half of all wine labels have a hand-painted design. Computerised digital creations have also become popular because 40% of wine labels have a vector design. The use of media and product codes is closely related to a visual style; for example, designers love to use sketches to depict landscapes that show a rural lifestyle, watercolours to depict flora and fauna to show the style of natural herbs, digital vector designs to present modern and stylish brands, and even sculptures and prints to present a retro style. It is hoped that the findings of this study will be valuable for Taiwan ’s related industry operators and designers.
