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篇名 時間元素於插畫創作中之探討
卷期 13
並列篇名 Discussions of the Time Element in the Creation of Illustration
作者 曹珊珊
頁次 013-026
關鍵字 藝術與設計實務研究插畫時間Practice-related Researchillustrationtime
出刊日期 202110




When the form and the function of illustration have gradually evolved and tend to become an independent form of art creation, illustration itself has not only been separated from being a minor character of text but gained its own unique existence and style to become a complete design art. This study focuses on the concept of time, especially on the interactions between time, space and humans defined by different fields, trying to express time by using images and lines to reflect the progress of time. This research idea derives from the writer's weekly train-taking experience and the train tickets inspire this study of practical usage of the twenty-six pieces of illustrations, which have turned the abstract concept of time into the concrete expression of visual art to construct the relationships between time, humans, and the physical world.
