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篇名 天主教聖像畫圖像設計研究:以十字苦路創作為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 A Study on Image Design of Catholic Icon: using the Creation of the Stations of the Cross as an Example
作者 葉榮哲林裕峰
頁次 027-040
關鍵字 聖像畫圖像設計圖像學iconimage Designiconology
出刊日期 202110




For a long time, icon has used two-dimensional methods to convey the deeds of the gods and saints, using symbolic techniques and specific forms to turn beliefs into images. Therefore, icon is often used to convey faith for the church. However, whether traditional icon can still meet the visual and belief needs of modern people requires more in-depth investigation. Based on the results of literature analysis, this study summarizes and confirms the performance and needs of icon, and summarizes the concept, vision, relationship, and practicality four design elements applying them to the creation of icon. By systematically constructing the image of the icon and conveying the message of religious belief, the viewers are immersed in the image to further understand and accept the Stations of the Cross.
