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篇名 探討電影戲劇和文化再現的符碼
卷期 13
並列篇名 Exploring the Cryptograms of Film, Drama and Culture Representation
作者 游易霖李少瑜
頁次 055-072
關鍵字 符號學宅經濟文化再現鐵獅玉玲瓏SemioticsOtaku EconomyCulture RepresentationLion Dancing
出刊日期 202110




The severity of the global outbreak of COVID-19, and the severe tensions that will be generated, will be another indelible record in Taiwan’s history after SARS. The virus epidemic has depressed all industries, home office has become a trend, the home economy has suddenly emerged, animation and IP entertainment industries have become the focus of attention, and online video and audio streaming platforms have become the medium for consumers. The film industry is developing rapidly, and the content of movies and dramas is also all-encompassing. Among them, films that carry cultural communication issues are the focus of this research. This research uses semiotic theory to explore the cultural heritage of Taiwan’s traditional lion dance from the scene theme, role theme and dialogue lines. Analyze the cyphers of the movie in depth, and state the concept of cultural reproduction intended to be conveyed in the movie " Lion Dancing ". The research found that the whole film has a profound cultural identity and inheritance meaning in the scene, character arrangement and character dialogue content. Since the decline of lion dance skills and the difficulty of talent cultivation, as well as the embarrassment of economic income, the change of social value, the influence of western culture, and finally in the reflection of emotion, the traditional lion dance cultural value is changed and infused with innovation elements, stimulate the audience's attention and experience of traditional cultural values. From the discovery of problems to the display of new life in traditional techniques, the film really proposes a number of solutions for the declining folk culture performances. The conclusion appeals for many of today’s declining cultural skills may be able to integrate modern thinking, create innovative interpretation methods, and expand the age breadth of the audience. The research expected that through all kinds of new media, let the world comprehend the reference and richness of Taiwanese culture, and also provide another way to create drama content for Taiwan's IP industry.
