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篇名 安寧團隊的預期工作:科學知識、情感與照護
卷期 69
並列篇名 Anticipation Work of Palliative Care: Scientific Knowledge, Affective Force, and Care Practice
作者 王安琪
頁次 053-099
關鍵字 預期工作不確定性安寧照護善終死亡醫療化anticipatory workuncertaintypalliative caregood deathmedicalization of deathMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 202106
DOI 10.6786/TJS.202106_(69).0002




Palliative care in Taiwan is developing new scientific knowledge and new care practice standards. This paper uses the concept of “anticipatory work” to explore the nature of team-based palliative care work, including scientific predictions, affective forces, and care practices. Data were collected from interviews with caregivers and medical professionals plus one year of medical center participant observations. Three time frames were identified as central to palliative care team work: patient survival, medical institution regulations, and patient life trajectories, respectively representing clinical, institutional and social time frames. Palliative care teams estimate life expectancy, communicate predictions with patients and families, and enact care practices to minimize suffering, thus providing ways for patients and families to anticipate death and act in the present. To demonstrate the relevance of anticipatory work, this paper reframes palliative care as one in which individuals expect future progress while anticipating completion in the form of “good deaths.”
