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篇名 論福樓拜《情感教育》中的時間經驗
卷期 34
並列篇名 The Experience of Time in Flaubert’s Sentimental Education
作者 舒卡夏
頁次 031-060
關鍵字 福樓拜情感教育時間經驗道德FlaubertSentimental Educationtimeexperiencemoral
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202112_(34).0002




The concept of time in Flaubert’s works has received relatively little attention among critics. To fill this gap as much as possible, this work aims to offer an exploration of the experience of time in Sentimental Education. Apart from analyzing the principal problematics related to the three temporal dimensions in this novel: the concept of eternity and the mechanism of action (the present); impatience and procrastination (the future); nostalgia and melancholy (the past); this work will also focus on the links between time and morality. By way of conclusion, I will demonstrate an interpretation of the book title from both semantic and historical perspectives to show its strong connection with time. Although Flaubert has a great talent for irony, he does not explicitly draw his readers’ attention to the importance of time in his novel. However, the author’s work indeed centres around the concept of time and space, even though it is not explicitly stated.
