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篇名 長期夜間工作與肥胖相關性分析研究
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 The obesity effect of the exposure to night shift work
作者 林士傑徐惠芳林歆宜陳昭源
頁次 027-034
關鍵字 夜間工作夜班輪班工作肥胖night shiftshift worknonstandard work hoursobesityTSCI
出刊日期 202201


研究結果:依勞動部指定長期夜間工作之勞工為雇主應施行特定項目健康檢查之特定對象定義,扣除健檢資料不全者,該廠2020年健檢符合長期夜間工作定義為3,957人,非長期夜間工作為4,329人,共8,286人。結果指出,長期夜間工作者BMI略高(+0.3 kg/m2)、腰圍較大(+1cm),且BMI過重(BMI≧24)的比例較高(+3.3%),差異達到顯著統計意義。若把資料依照年齡分為每10歲差距為一組,則年齡層越高的夜班工作者肥胖相關指標(BMI、腰圍等)會越明顯,是否年紀越大越不適合長期夜間工作,值得未來進一步深入研究。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to make an analysis from the annual health check data (March, 2020) of the employees in a North-Taiwan semiconductor company, to evaluate the associations between night shift work and obesity.
Methods: A total 8,286 workers from the semiconductor company were recruited, 3,957 workers were night-shift employees, and 4,329 workers were non-shift employees. Over-weight was defined as BMI≧ 24 U/L.
Results: Shift work status was associated with higher BMI(+0.3kg/m2), much more waist circumference (+1cm). Besides, night shift workers had an increased risk of over-weight (BMI≧ 24) (+3.3%)
Conclusion: Night shift work were likely associated with obesity. We recommend that all the companies pay highly attention to night-shift worker’s risk of obesity. These association need to be verified in prospective cohort studies.
