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篇名 日本計量器管制之法律分析
卷期 29
並列篇名 Legal analysis of Japanese measuring instrument regulations
作者 林倖如
頁次 043-080
關鍵字 度量衡日本計量法計量器之管制計量器之檢定型式認證計量士Weights and MeasuresJapan Measurement ActLegal regulation of measuring instrumentsVerificationtype approval of measuring instrumentsCertified measurers
出刊日期 202012




We could not live without having a standard and reasonable system of measurement. It not only helps the convenience of daily life and secured transactions but also promotes the industrial and cultural developments. Currently every country has been used different levels of authorities to clearly define the unit of measurement by various legal regulations. This article is to analyze the Japan measurement act by understanding its legal development and characteristic such as legal regulation of measuring of instruments and the approaches of regulations. Hopefully, this article could offer some references and suggested directions to our country's legal system of weights and measures.
