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篇名 從蔡英文連任到拜登上台前的美中台互動
卷期 77
並列篇名 Research into the Development of the US-China-Taiwan Triangle from Tsai Ing-Wen's Reelection to Before the Inauguration of Biden
作者 范世平
頁次 065-090
關鍵字 新冠肺炎美中台三邊關係蔡英文拜登COVID-19US-China-Taiwan TriangleTsai Ing-WenJoe Biden
出刊日期 202201


蔡英文在2020年1月11日的總統大選以817萬票高票獲得連任,顯示她過去四年的美、中政策獲得台灣民意的支持。同一時期從中國爆發的 「新冠肺炎」肆虐全球,使得中美關係雪上加霜,川普為求連任加大力度對抗中國,更強化與台灣的關係,派遣高官訪台,使得兩岸關係的敵意螺旋增加。川普在選舉中敗給民主黨的拜登,拜登在2021年1月20日就職,但在對中政策上並無太大改變,反而是結合其他國家共同對抗中國。


On January 11, 2010, Tsai Ing-Wen won the reelection with a high margin of 8.17 million votes, which evidenced her public support with her US-China policies in the past four years. At the same time, COVID-19 broke out in
China, and swept across the globe, thus worsening the US-China relationship. For his reelection campaign, Donald Trump toughened the policies against China, strengthened the relation with Taiwan, and sent senior officials to visit Taiwan. As a result, the cross-strait tension has become more intense. Donald Trump lost his election to Joe Biden, who inaugurated on February 21, 2021. Besides maintaining the same policies towards China, Joe Biden even united other countries to oppose China.
