
清華學報 THCI

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篇名 「自我」的博物敘事:論《酉陽雜俎》的遊歷、生活世界與歷史情感
卷期 52:1
並列篇名 Narrating the “Self” in Works of Natural Science: On Travel, Life and Historical Emotion in the Youyang zazu
作者 陳柏言
頁次 001-039
關鍵字 《酉陽雜俎》博物敘事遊歷歷史情感〈寺塔記〉Youyang zazubowunarrativestravelinghistorical emotion“Temple and Tower Record”THCI
出刊日期 202203
DOI 10.6503/THJCS.202203_52(1).0001


唐人段成式 (803-863)《酉陽雜俎》作為一部博物之書,所記從鳥獸蟲魚到異人神怪,物象紛繁。歷來學者多著眼《酉陽雜俎》文獻史料價值,並強調「雜俎」文體的跨界意涵。本文試圖另闢蹊徑,抉發《酉陽雜俎》如何通過博物敘事,寄寓作者的自我聲音。本文發現,成式之名在《酉陽雜俎》前後集共出現七十二次,作者現身可謂頻繁;其中「自我」如何涉入敘事,又展示什麼意義?此即本文核心關懷。一方面,本文追蹤段成式的自我身影,指出作者的遊歷軌跡,乃至對生活日常的興趣;另一方面,則探析段成式如何通過博物著作,反思並記存歷史,藉此抒發己身傷懷。綜此,本研究不只論述此書如何拓展博物敘事的邊界,亦進一步勾勒中晚唐文士的心靈圖像。


Duan Chengshi’s 段成式 (803-863) Tang dynasty work Youyang zazu 酉陽雜 俎 belongs to the genre of natural science (bowu 博物). In the book, Duan records everything from birds, beasts, insects and fish to alien monsters. In the past, scholars have paid significant attention to the literary and historical value of the Youyang zazu, and emphasized the boundary breaking style of the zazu genre. This article interprets the Youyang zazu from a fresh perspective by looking at how the author’s personal voice can be seen in its natural science narratives. It finds that the name of the author, Chengshi, appears 72 times in the text. Given that the author’s name appears so frequently, it not only asks how the author’s “self ” is involved in the narrative, but also what meaning is conveyed by the inclusion of the self. In addition, the article traces the figure of Duan Chengshi’s “self,” describes the overall trajectory of his travels and examines his interest in daily life. It moreover explores how Duan Chengshi reflected on and memorized history through his composition of this work on natural science, and shows how the text became a means of expressing his own sadness. Finally, this study not only describes how the narrative contained in the Youyang zazu widened the boundaries of natural writing, it also outlines the spiritual image of scholars in the mid to late Tang.
