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篇名 美容從業人員競爭與情緒勞務關係之研究
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 The Study of the Relation between Competition and Emotional Labor for Beauty Employees
作者 劉莉玲王光毅
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 美容競爭情緒勞務BeautyCompetitionEmotional Labor
出刊日期 201709




Beauty industry is recognized as one of the most competitive in the global industry. It is bound to make mandatory allocation of real resources in personnel with organizational change and uncertainty. It induces competition and organizational and employees’ emotional changes. Therefore, this study aims to study the relation between cosmetology professionals in a competition and emotion labor. In this study uses questionnaire. The samples are from chain of beauty practitioners. The effective samples are 300 copies. The results show that the beauty of employees in a competitive situation, really positive effect on the surface acting, deep acting and emotional labor. In practice recommendations in this study suggest that competition model should have open and fair communication. The organization should recognize the outstanding employees publicly. And the tailor-made incentive models to facilitate the beauty practitioners. That would reinforce the internal and external motivation of the beauty employees to show the same emotions and face the job performance.
