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篇名 社會資本、資訊分享行為與創新接受度關聯性之研究-以Facebook社群為例
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship between Social Capital, Information Sharing Behavior and Innovativeness - Example of Facebook Social Networking.
作者 鄭賢仁薛榮棠孫慧珊
頁次 039-062
關鍵字 社會資本資訊分享行為創新接受度Facebook社群Social CapitalInformation Sharing BehaviorInnovativenessFacebook
出刊日期 201709




The rapid development of internet prompts the rise of social networking sites. With the increase of the social networking site, people proceed information sharing behavior through the Internet become a increasingly common phenomenon. Interacting and information sharing by the members of the social network community, making a good product or innovation diffuse in the network. More and more enterprises gradually try to take advantage of the Facebook community to promote new products or services. Therefore, in this study, we use the questionnaire and the theory of social capital theory to explore whether the members of the information sharing behavior affect members the innovativeness of the member in Facebook Community. The results indicate that social capital has significant positive influence on information sharing behavior. Information sharing behavior has significant positive influence on innovativeness. Social capital has significant positive influence on innovativeness.
