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篇名 應用層級程序分析法探討綠色餐廳之關鍵成功因素
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 A study on Exploring the Critical Success Factors of Green Restaurants by Using Analytic Hierarchy Process
作者 林英才劉馨嵐張雅媛鄭青展黃冠傑
頁次 063-080
關鍵字 綠色餐廳關鍵因素層級程序分析法Green restaurantcritical success factorsAnalytic Hierarchy Process
出刊日期 201709




Green restaurant operations encountered inadequate equipment, lack of staff education, government did not actively promote such issues, these issues of sustainable development for the Green restaurant has a serious impact, therefore, the key to the success of the restaurant to find the green factor is very important. The purpose of this study was mainly want to integrate relevant literature to construct green restaurant management evaluation index, further then we will use analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to identify key success factors of green restaurant. The results showed that food quality, product cooking technology, environmental protection, service quality, green food marketing, value-added green food assessment factors such as the six dimensions, which produce quality as the most important facet, followed by green, product cooking technology, service quality, value-added green food and green food marketing. The results of this study can be expected to provide recommendations to the Green restaurant relevant industry reference, in order to facilitate future management and sustainable development.
