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篇名 To Be or Not To Be? 當偏鄉教育遇見實驗教育
卷期 337
並列篇名 To Be or Not To Be? When Remote Schooling Encounters the Charter School Movement
作者 鄭勝耀葉信一
頁次 034-046
關鍵字 偏鄉小校偏鄉教育實驗教育機會地理學remote small schoolsremote schoolingcharter schoolsgeography of opportunity
出刊日期 202205
DOI 10.53106/168063602022050337003


前美國教育研究協會(American Educational Research Association, AERA)理事長W. F. Tate IV在其2008年著名的理事長致詞(Presidential Address)中,曾以「機會地理學」(Geograhpy of Opportunity)來分析「城鄉差距」在健康、居住、交通與教育等層面上所造成的重大影響,並思考因「地域」所衍生出在「資源」與「教育成效」上的差異。我國教育部在2017年所公布的《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》與2021年所修正通過之《偏遠地區學校分級及認定標準》同樣將因交通、文化、生活機能、數位環境、社會經濟條件或其他因素,致有教育資源不足情形之公立高級中等以下學校分為極度偏遠、特殊偏遠與偏遠三種類型,希望可以進一步實踐教育機會平等原則,因應偏遠地區學校教育之特性及需求,並確保各地區教育之均衡發展。值得注意的是,上述條例雖已嘗試針對偏遠地區學校之設置與其組織、人事、經費及運作等事項給予相當大的彈性空間,但仍有許多偏鄉小校透過《實驗教育三法》(2014)與《學校型態實驗教育實施條例》(2018)申請轉型為學校型態實驗教育,企圖經由實驗教育所揭櫫的「特定教育理念」,增加家長選擇教育方式與內容的機會,達致教育創新與促進教育多元化發展的教育理想。為進一步勾勒出當偏鄉教育遇到實驗教育的真實面貌,本研究擬先透過分析偏鄉小校的教育困境,其次爬梳近年來實驗教育的推動現況,再對照研究者多次前往進行偏鄉小校轉型為實驗教育的訪視與輔導的省思,最後提出偏鄉小校未來發展之對策與建議,希望可以提供未來規劃偏鄉教育的參考。


Former president of American Educational Research Association (AERA), William F. Tate IV, used to deliver an impressive address on the Geography of Opportunity, and to analyze the difference of health, housing, transportation, and education among urban, suburban, and rural areas. He highlighted the divides among poverty, place, and educational outcomes. Following the same veins, Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas (2017) classified the K-12 remoted schools in Taiwan along with their transportation, culture, life function, digital environment, and social economic factors into three levels including extreme remote schools, special remote schools, and remote schools. The government in Taiwan aims to ensure the equality of educational opportunities and keeps an eye on the demands and special needs of remote schooling. It is worth noting that no mater the regulations have provided lots of flexibilities to fit the operation of remote schooling, there are quite a few remote “small” schools tend to transform to charter schools according to the Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education (2017) . Most of the cases are to increase the students enrollment along with the unique educational philosophy and providing multiple parental choices. In order to outline the authentic remote schooling, the principal investigators analyze struggles of remote small schools first, and then juxtapose the development of charter schools movement in Taiwan. Thirdly, the authors combined their reflections from dozens of remote school visits and supports to provide some suggestions to future development of remote schoolings.
