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篇名 利益大眾的公關危機處理女王
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Public Relations Queen Who Benefits All and Assuredly Manages Crises
作者 嚴曉翠
頁次 019-032
關鍵字 利眾公關公關代理商危機處理女王One-For-All Public RelationsPublic Relations AgencyCrisis Management Queen
出刊日期 202203




Liza Yen was born into a business family and received business training from her parents during childhood, learning many valuable lessons through osmosis along the way. In the year she graduated from college, on her teacher’s recommendation, Liza Yen entered the field of public relations with little experience. Along the way, she was fortunate enough to meet many people who helped her not only learn substantial professional knowledge and numerous skills but also understand her own personality and start the journey toward her life’s ambition. Curious about new things, Liza Yen was happy to learn in the field of public relations, just like a fish finding the ocean, and even stepped into an unfamiliar academic circle in order to sail to a clearer side, like a survey operation, in order to understand deeper answers and apply new teaching concepts to academic observations. From her teaching career, Liza Yen has learned the responsibility involved in being a teacher, and she hopes to help more students realize their future goals and dreams and face challenges with positivity and a unique mindset, even if the present environment is in flux. Liza Yen has reflected on the “time tunnel” of her own life and has savored a diversity of experiences and happiness imagination in the vast. In addition to feeling gratitude for her youthful exuberance and courage, she also hopes that students who are about to embark on their life journeys will never forget their original positive intentions.
