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篇名 引領廣告媒體行銷產業勇闖高峰的領路人
卷期 27
並列篇名 A Guide Leading the Media Advertising Industry to Its Peak
作者 盧炳勳
頁次 033-048
關鍵字 媒體代理商貝立德廣告媒體行銷傳播Media AgencyDentsu X Advertising MediaMarCom
出刊日期 202203


在大學四年裡就找到人生方向的盧炳勳,從文化大學印刷學系畢業後,帶著他滿腔熱血,以及越挫越勇的心,走向早已為他敞開大門的廣告世界,就此展開他將近三十年的廣告生活。「嚴以律己」是身為處女座的他,對自己負責任的表現,對於工作更是靠著「Just do it」的信念,無畏懼挑戰,並勇往直前的承接更大的責任,帶有對產業使命的他,以「誠實」的態度面對著他的客戶,透過多方思考、善用資源,以及自我能力的提升,替客戶達成最終目標,並創造代理商的存在價值。對於「媒體代理商」一詞,盧炳勳有著明確的定位,在經驗累積下,為公司,甚至是產業帶來正向發展。面對數位科技的到來,依舊保持初心的他,也懂得順應時代,做出「使用媒介」和「使用方法」上的改變,來跟上媒體環境變化的速度。一個懂得用心經營團隊的領導人,是帶領公司持續進步的重要關鍵,因此對於營造團隊精神從未鬆懈的盧炳勳,有一套令人稱譽的管理模式,對於員工的付出,給予最溫暖的回饋是他待人處事的態度,除了為公司付出,他更奉獻於廣告公共事務與公益活動,未來他也將持續以他強大的能力,回饋於這個企業、產業與社會。


After graduating from the Department of Printing at Chinese Culture University, Rubin Lu discovered his ideal way of life during university. With enthusiasm and courage, he entered the world of advertising and has dedicated himself to the field for nearly 30 years. As a self-disciplined Virgo, he takes responsibility for all that he encounters. His personal mantra of “just do it” helps him remain fearless in the face of every challenge he confronts and retain a willingness to assume even greater responsibility. Driven by a strong sense of commitment and a calling to the industry, he always acts with integrity in his treatment of clients. He aims to achieve clients’ long-term goals and erect the value of agency by thinking outside the box, utilizing resources effectively, and enhancing his personal abilities. Rubin Lu is well positioned to fully appreciate the term “media agency.” His experience has stimulated positive development in his company and even in the industry. Faced with the current era of digital technology, he maintains his original intention and contends that we must reimagine media use and media use methods to keep pace with the speed of development in the media environment. The key to a company’s success is having a leader who knows how to manage teams. Therefore, Rubin Lu has been working hard to build team spirit, offering the warmest of feedback to employees for their contributions and setting up management models. Additionally, he has dedicated his life to advertising public affairs and charity activities. With his abilities, he will continue to give back to his enterprise, the industry, and society in the future.
